zachary collins books

Zachary's book Murders in Maine launched in December, 2016. He took his book on the road in 2017, touring the East Coast and stopping for a book signing event in Portland, ME. 

November 2013 Zachary is recognized at We Day for his books and contributions towards building a school in Africa.

March 2014 Meeting Spencer West at the Free the Children Gala, University of Guelph. 

July 2013  Zachary is interviewed by the Guelph Mercury to share his book A Medieval Mystery and talk about his passion for Free The Children.

Read the article here.

October 2014 Zachary sharing his stories at the Idea Exchange, Cambridge, Ontario. He read his children's books at many libraries and inspired many children with his story of hope.

August 2014 Zachary attends the Chapters Inspirational Kids event. (Pictured here with swimmer Annaleise Carr)

March 2016 Zachary showed great courage by sharing his story in front of over 700 Hollywood actors, sports professionals, authors and business people at the Unstoppable Foundation Gala event in LA. He celebrated his achievement of reaching $8,000 to build a school in Africa and shared his work to completing his next novel "Murders in Maine"

December 2016 Zach is featured on Guelph Today as his fundraising efforts pass the $10 000 mark! Check out the article here.

October 2014 Zachary was honoured as one of the youngest authors in The Eden Mills Writers Festival where he had the opportunity to open the Children Author section with his stories.

October 2013  Zachary is featured on CTV News at the launch of his book ​George & Madeleine & The Chinese Dragon Vs. The Pirates. 

Watch the video here